Department of Marketing and Social Sciences

Head of department
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Miscellaneous Information

Miscellaneous Information

Department: Department of Marketing and Social Sciences
Researcher ID: P-2328-2015
ORCID Number
Position: Head of the Department of Marketing and Social Sciences, university teacher
Office: BF 341
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone number: +421/41/513 32 57
Consultation hours: wednesday  9.00-11.00
Corporate Social Responsibility II. degree of Bc.
Quantitative and Qualitative research II. degree of Bc.
Sharing and Circular economy III. degree of Bc.

Education and graduation growth:
PhD. full-time doctoral studies, University of Žilina, Faculty of Operations and Economics of Transport and Communications, Field of study 62-03-9 Sectoral and Cross-Sectional Economics, title of dissertation: The importance and role of Public Relations in the communication policy of universities, 2011
Ing. University of Žilina, Faculty of Operations and Economics of Transport and Communications, Field of study: 3.3.16 Economics and Management of the enterprise, 2008

Guaranteeing studies:

Scientific research focus:
Ing. Katarína Zvaríková, PhD., is the head of the Department of Marketing and Social Sciences at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Operations and Economics of Transport and Communications. Her professional profile was formed at the University of Žilina, where she also completed doctoral studies with a dissertation topic The importance and role of public relations in the communication policy of universities. Currently, in its scientific and research activities, it focuses mainly on the area of socially responsible business and the shared and circular economy. She completed Erasmus programs in the Czech Republic, Italy and Croatia. She publishes in renowned indexed and impactful foreign journals. She is a member of the Journal of Self-governance and Management Economics editorial board and reviews articles for indexed and impacted foreign journals. She participates in the VEGA and APVV projects as a co-researcher and as a responsible researcher of the GAAA foreign scientific project.

The most significant pedagogical publications (5max):
Zvaríková, K. (2023). Spoločensky zodpovedné podnikanie, EDIS Žilina, 2023, 109 str., ISBN 978-80-554-1938-1
Michalková, L., Zvaríková, K., Frajtová Michalíková, K. (2022). Investičný manažment, EDIS Žilina, 2022, 142 str., ISBN 978-80-554-1922-0

The most important scientific publications (5max):
Valášková, K., Androniceanu, A. M., Zvaríková, K., Olah, J. (2021). Bonds between earnings management and corporate financial stability in the context of the competitive ability of enterprises. Journal of competitiveness, 13(4), 167-184. (WoS – Q1; IF – 3,850; JIF RANK - 41/377; Q3 AIS – 0.442; JCR Category – ECONOMICS; Scopus – Q1, SJR – 0,93; autorský podiel – 30 %)
Ballerini, J., Alam, G. M., Zvaríková, K., Santoro, G. (2022). How emotions from content social relevance mediate social media engagement: evidence from European supermarkets during the COVID-19 pandemic. British Food Journal, Early Access 2022 (WoS – Q2; IF – 3,224; JIF RANK – 11/22; Q2 AIS - 0.394; JCR Category -AGRICULTURE ECONOMICS & POLICI; Scopus – Q2, SJR – 0,609; autorský podiel – 40 %)
Gavurova, B., Belas, J., Zvarikova, K., Rigelsky, M., & Ivankova, V. (2021). The Effect of Education and R&D on Tourism Spending in OECD Countries: An Empirical Study. Amfiteatru Economic, 23(58), 806-823. (WOS - Q2; IF 2021 - 1,983; JIF RANK – 182/376; Q4 AIS - 0,169; JCR Category - Economics; autorský podiel 25 %)
Belas, J., Gavurova, B., Schonfeld, J., Zvarikova, K., & Kacerauskas, T. (2017). Social and economic factors affecting the entrepreneurial intention of university students. Transformation in Business & Economics, 16(3), 220-239 (kvartil 2017 – Q2; IF 2017 – 1,112; JIF RANK - 177/353; Q4 AIS – 0,085; JCR Category - Economics; autorský podiel – 20 %)
Belas, J., Dvorsky, J., Tyll, L., & Zvarikova, K. (2017). Entrepreneurship of university students: Important factors and the propensity for entrepreneurship. Administratie si Management Public, 2017(28), 6 - 24 (SCOPUS kvartil 2017 - Q1; SJR - 0,991; autorský podiel 25%)

Scientometric data:
h-index 9
number of verified reviews 17
h-index 10
Google Scholar
h-index 16
i10-index 23

Project The implementation framework and business model of the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0 and smart transport - ITMS code: 313011BWN6
GA AA - Impact of CSR concept implementation in small and medium-sized enterprises in the region V4 – foreign research project; responsible researcher
VEGA 1/0121/20 - Research of transfer pricing system as a tool to measure the performance of national and multinational companies in the context of earnings management in conditions of the Slovak Republic and V4 countries
VEGA 1/0210/19 - Research of innovative attributes of quantitative and qualitative fundaments of the opportunistic earnings modelling which authors gratefully acknowledge

Additional information:
member of the organizing committee of the international conference Globalization and its socio-economic consequences
member of the organizing committee of the international conference Economics Management Finance (EMF 2022)
member of the editorial board of the Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics
evaluator of VEGA projects


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